A Glimpse over the Educational Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi

Dr. GoutamPatra, the author of this book has achieved vast experiences in the field of Education.He acted as Asst. Teacher

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Okay, let’s get this straight. You don’t actually need to read this part, but it would be better if you did. I am not the main character of this book – I’m the ‘narrator’, an entity that simply exists in this universe to narrate this story. I would like you to note that my mind-reading powers are not really 100% accurate, so I won’t always be able to tell accurately what a character is thinking. Now that all the boring stuff is out of the way, let’s get into the fun part; the part you’re here for…

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इस किताब में कहानियों का संग्रह है । जिसमे जीवन संघर्ष, प्रेम,त्याग,और प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियों से सामना करने का मार्मिक और

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Engagement of Stakeholders in Corporate Social Responsibility.

This book is an effort to put the views of various academicians and intellectuals on the concept of corporate social

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Key to wellness

The book is a complete guide to wellness. In the first part the book throws light on a new paradigm

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The book which you carry now and you are reading is written by me however the hard work is of

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Loving our Constitution

The constitution of any independent nation is the reflection of the culture, history, values and entity of its citizens. Every

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Mahan Ganrajya Grehmandala( Gondwana Ganrajye Ka aitihasik Vivechan)

इतिहास का अध्ययन,विश्लेषण,उपलब्ध तथ्यों के आधार पर निष्कर्ष निकालना एक कठिन व विवादास्पद कार्य है।अतीत की घटनायें अपनी तात्कालिक परिस्थितियों

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